Generation Bass on "dunotbizeh" in their Sexy Saturday Cumbia playlist
Swiss label Hawaii bonsai records presents Dunobizeh by Panther Panther!, along with a whole series of tasty remixes by the crème de la crème tropical artists around. It has a definite cumbia orientation with lots of catchy synth and guitar riffs, intricate psychedelic progression, and a good variety of punchy tropical beats. Amongst other little gems, check out the Yeahman or Sonido profundo remixes!
Review of Midnight Ritual EP from Generation Bass on their Sexxy Saturday Cumbia playlist
"Aie aie aie ! This is banging ! Shout out to Tropical Twista Records for this release. I didn’t know Panther Panther before, but had the pleasure of discovering their work in this new EP. They describe it as a “high-energy, bass-heavy soundtrack to further space exploration in times of darkness”, and I think if you add a few potent shakers and bells to that you get it! Really cool approach to the whole thing."
Review from Generation Bass for Acapulco Space Station
"In this fabulous musical proposal you can hear the classic and powerful sound of CUMBIA, mixed with space sounds, deep and melancholy synths and a galactic environment in each track!"
Review from Cassette Blog for Acapulco Space Station (spanish)
"Wherever you may be on this earth, there will always be a mexican creating great music unlike any other."
"Desde cualquier parte del globo terráqueo, algún mexicano siempre estará creando buena música, algo sin igual. Es aquí donde una historia comienza, donde todo emerge, una ola en donde nuevos ritmos y fusiones se consolida poco a poco, surge desde ese momento lo que sería una premisa, un joven que a la edad de 10 años llega a tierras inglesas para que Bristol lo cobije y le otorgue una herencia musical, la cual influyó en gran parte en su preparación artística. Es ahí donde inicio todo."
Interview with Revista Ramera from Mar del Plata, Argentina (spanish)